The emergence of new minds, identities, and bodies are key components of a new era of humans. Changes within the human era regarding technological developments and the human race affect the global future. In recent times, developments and usage of technologies in machines are beneficial for humans. The concept of human 2.0 is important in this regard. According to human 2.0, a time will come in which machines will be just an important extension of the human body. In the new era of humanity, machines will be a relevant part of the human body that will increase the living condition of humans.

The human population will sustain a large number because of the integration of the human body and machines. Not only disabled persons but also disabled people can also benefit from this. New aspects of minds, bodies, and identities play an important role in increasing the living era of the human population by introducing new opportunities. The extension of human life depends on the utilization of machines in required phases.
Newly invented technologies and machines are significant parts of human life. Humans are becoming transhumant by merging the human mind and body with technologies that consist of developed awareness and intelligence regarding life.

Various components of the Earth are also facing difficulties because of changes in the human era. The continuously changing nature of the human era leads to the extinction of life. The new era of humanity with technological development can present opportunities for a human society to hinder human extinction. Because of climate change, the human era is facing challenges. Recent changes in climate create difficulties for humans and living things that lead to extinction. Consideration of technology will be beneficial for a new era of humanity to sustain a healthy life despite several adversities.
Human activities often impact climate regarding factors. Recent changes in climate are important outcomes of excessive abuse of natural components. Recent innovations in technology create various difficulties for the human era that results in causing challenges and even extinction of the human era. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the climate is changing day by day. The condition of the climate is deteriorating and is affecting human life in a very negative aspect. Implementation and effective consideration of human 2.0 is helpful for human society to be safe from extinction. Economic impacts of global components are important to understanding the possibilities of the global future.

The evolution of the human era had started nearly 6 million years ago. The evaluation process is a continuous process in which the development of human components such as the mind, and body are included. Identification of new technologies and usage of new and innovative technologies in a proper manner is important to understand the evolution process. The human evaluation process has impacted the physical environment in different aspects. Overpopulation, deforestation, and pollution are important factors of the human evaluation process that affects environmental factors negatively. Excessive misuse of environmental factors leads to the extinction of the human era.